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MODE "Your Fashion Lifestyle" is an online fashion & lifestyle magazine based in Malaysia, which was established in year 2012. All genuine beauty and fashion related website and blogshops will be reviewed and gathered here. We are trying our best to connect all online boutiques and beauty pages with only a single click! Besides that, you can also find all your leisure reading articles relating lifestyle here. 

With our enthusiastic and passionate teams, we will bring you the latest updates on fashion & beauty trends as well as lifestyle related articles. Hence, be sure to follow closely with us to keep yourself most updated!
 Guide shoppers by featuring what’s hot in fashion and recommend shoppers where to shop 
 Review fashion & beauty related products from online stores 
 Organize bazaar, contest, giveaway, and many more activities! 
 Assist shoppers to hunt for their favorite fashion items in FASHION HUNT 
 Collaborate with blogshops to have regular giveaway, promotion and other activities! 

Do you like any awesome blogshops that we did not mention or link yet. Do tell us! We draw from personal experiences, write features, review events, host creative and fun contests! All for the love of the online shopping community. 

Get the latest updates for online shopping, trade goodies, share stories and have fun with MODE!